Nelson/Whakatū-Menzshed is a charity. To achieve our objectives we rely on a couple of sources for our funds i.e. Sponsorship from businesses and individuals who see fit to support us financially or ‘in kind’. Membership is also important.

The Committee of Nelson/Whakatū-Menzshed have developed several annual Sponsorship Packages which are both generous in what they offer the purchaser and structured to ensure we have a ‘win-win’ position with our sponsors and supporters. Details of the annual Sponsorship Packages can be found below.

Donations can take several forms:

  1. cash by buying an annual ‘Sheddie 100 Certificate’ or Sponsorship

  2. in the form of ‘kind’ i.e goods or services

  3. a bequest from an estate.

Any of the Committee will give you a very good hearing of what you are proposing if you are choosing to give in ‘kind’.

Equipment/Tools Donations

Additionally Nelson/Whakatū-Menzshed is always interested in assisting our community (individuals or businesses) by taking tools, equipment or even materials which are ‘excess to your requirements’.

If you have items that are damaged or not operating, we quite possibly have individuals within the membership skills to recommission the item which in turn will become a part of the equipment in Menzshed Nelson/Whakatū.

In the unlikely event, we cannot use an item which you have chosen to donate, we will sell it on Trademe with the funds being used to further develop Nelson/Whakatū-Menzshed .

Regardless of your support option i.e. Sponsorship or Donation, in anticipation of your generosity we say a very big THANK YOU for your support.

Other ways you can help

  • Donations of tools goods and materials – provide contact

  • Donations and bequests – provide contact

  • Be an associate member

Nelson/Whakatū-Menzshed is a financial member of Menzshed New Zealand


Our Current Sponsors