Shed report to Committee November/December 2020

Shed report to Committee November – December 2020

General A quieter period as the statuary holidays cut into the opening hours and with many Sheddies away on holiday . Membership is still increasing but not at the rates seen earlier in 2020. Many rat trap orders have been filled but production will not be increased until the January/February period. Members are still able to concentrate on personal projects but we must be aware of the fact that the community type projects are often being completed by quite a small percentage of the members. Attendance is around 20 Sheddies on site on Tuesdays and Thursdays and this will increase as the year settles down.

Outside Community projects

Atawhai Play Centre The play car project is still work in progress with Mark Philips. Basic construction is finished and only painting needs to be done to complete this project.

Rodent eradication programs This project under the coordination of Colin Johnstone and his team is quiet at the moment but another large order is scheduled for January/February.

Skateboard ramp The two skateboard ramps for Auckland Point School are now virtually finished with just the aluminium finishing strips having to be fitted and the ramps painted. Thanks, must go to Peter Penniall at NMIT Engineering for assisting Wayne in the cutting and supplying of the aluminium finishing strips.

Shed address: 236 Haven Road Nelson Contacts and general enquiries:


Ministry of Social Development (MSD) garden project Despite holdups due to weather and the interruption of the holiday break this garden development for the homeless in Nelson is going well under the supervision of Denis Moriaty with help from Lloyd Houghton, Mario Perroni, Tashi Wallace and Robert Shade. One of the guys at the facility (Mike) is a builder by trade and he is being inspired by the support that our Sheddies are providing. Our Sheddie presence on the site is both a physical and phycological aid to the folk at the centre. Denis drew up the concept drawings and it is great to see how the guys at the facility are getting into this project as they now have some leadership and can see the project advancing. Funding is not our responsibility, but we are providing labour and lending some of our equipment. Some of the furniture from the NBS project has been purchased for this facility.

Homeless Male Room Project Local Rotary clubs are cooperating in a joint venture to set up a day centre at the Male Room. We have indicated that we would be keen to help and Wayne has already completed a small job on the storage shed on the premises. At this stage we are awaiting further confirmation of some kitchen units that we can build for this project.

Boathouse Notice Board We have already completed a storage unit at the Boathouse and they are looking at having an outdoor notice board built. This project is in the hands of Mark Cox.

Soroptimist Plaque Project Wayne completed several stainless-steel plaques for this service club which will engraved and attached to their completed outdoor projects.

Soroptimist flag banner stand Wayne is about to start this project

Education with “Y Kids” We have been approached by childcare provider Y Kids to provide some basic woodwork education for both staff and children. Some preliminary planning is underway, and we should be delivering in the next few weeks.

Inhouse Projects

Bird Feeders Mark Cox has produced another production run of the “famous” bird feeder houses to be sold as fund raisers.

Belt Sander Electric Motors The motor on the Garin College donated belt sander expired recently but Mike Gough sourced a very cost-effective replacement from local company Motor Rewinds. Nothing is ever easy though as the replacement motor was to ISO metric standards and the original was to imperial standards. Wayne assisted by Peter Penniall at NMIT Engineering has cut a new keyway in the drive pulley and now that the adapting sleeve has been machined the unit can be put back together.

Thicknesser Blades Tamal Krsna dropped in a thickesser blade grinder and Richard Watson has been experimenting with its use.

Members Projects

Nelson Youth Theatre props Chris Gladstone had no sooner completed props for one stage show and is he now working on a “Chitty Bang Bang” prop for another show.

Boats Lloyd has completed the refurbishment of his boat and the oars. Denis has now completed his camping rowing boat complete with luxury accommodation! Ian’s boat is completed and both Denis and Ian are now working on trailers.


Hip Replacement Colin Johnstone has recovered well from his suspension parts replacement and is currently “up North” having a well-earned break form the shed. On his return it will be back to the “rat traps”

Sunday Opening Sunday opening continues to attract a small number of members some of whom cannot attend during the week.


NBS The Nelson Building Society are having their premises refurbished and so donated a large quantity of high-quality office furniture. Richard, Ron, Hal, Denis and Wayne did the shift and with Denis’s entrepreneurial skills a substantial proportion of the furniture was sold on a “Kerbside garage sale”. Several of the items were sold on to the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) garden project. It was also suggested that we place some of our wooden toys that we have made under the Christmas tree in the window at NBS. We still have several items in stock and for sale so please check these out.

Pillar Drill The NMIT donated Pillar Drill is now fully operational and proved invaluable for drilling some stainless steel recently.

Filing cabinet Warehouse Stationary have donated a brand new but shop soiled three drawer filing cabinet which

is for sale. We also have in stock a very good quality “Precision” four draw filing cabinet from NBS

Safety There is a precarious semi completed members project which has been assembled with string and very little diagonal bracing which should completed and removed or dismantled as it would appear to be in danger of collapsing.